Revealed: 7 Things You Must Know About Sealing Pavers

Revealed: Things That Will Shock You About The Pressure Cleaning And Sealing Of Your Pavers, Liquid Limestone Or Exposed Aggregate…

 Did you know that many contractors use dangerous and damaging acids and chemicals to clean your pavers, liquid limestone or exposed aggregate?

Many contractors will use hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid and sodium hypochlorite (chlorine) to clean your pavers, liquid limestone or exposed aggregate because it is cheap and effective. However, they don’t reveal their dirty little secrets about the danger to you or your family.

Why you should never use acid or sodium hypochlorite to clean pavers, liquid limestone or exposed aggregate around your home…

 Acid fumes can be a danger to your health – Hydrochloric is emits powerful caustic fumes which can irritate your respiratory system.

  • Hydrochloric can permanently damage your pavers, liquid limestone or exposed aggregate – Hydrochloric acid works by removing a layer from the surface of your pavers, liquid limestone or exposed aggregate.

 As well as hydrochloric acid emitting dangerous fumes it can also penetrate deep down into the surface and start to break down the cement that act as the glue that holds you pavers, liquid limestone or exposed aggregate together and as a result your surface could start to crumble.

  • Sodium Hypochlorite (chlorine)

Sodium hypochlorite (chlorine) is a powerful cleaning agent that is commonly used to clean your surface because it is cheap and effective.

It works by bleaching your pavers, liquid limestone or exposed aggregate.

However, there is a downside…

Sodium hypochlorite is a powerful cleaning agent that contractors will flood your surface with. They will usually leave it for ten minutes and then rinse it off into your garden which could kill your grass and plants.

Not only that, chlorine could make your pets sick.

Finally, sodium hypochlorite could permanently damage your pavers by bleaching out the colour of your pavers.

Warning: Did You Know That Many Paving Sealers Could Ruin Your Pavers And Be A Danger To Your Health?

 Here’s why…

Many contractors try to use a one all fits all type of sealer. This approach is very hit and miss.

If the wrong type of sealer is used then your pavers can be ruined.

Many contractors use solvent based topical sealers because once again they are cheap.

However there are two dangers to using topical solvent based sealers…

Danger #1.They can ruin your pavers – Topical sealers work by forming a film on the surface. This film can quickly wear or peel off resulting in your pavers developing an ugly patchy appearance.

And that’s not all…

Topical sealers don’t allow your pavers, liquid limestone or exposed aggregate to breathe which means moisture can trapped underneath the sealer which can result in your pavers displaying white patches of trapped moisture.

Danger #2. They can be dangerous for your health – The most commonly used sealers are contain a highly toxic industrial solvent called xylene.

Xylene is a highly inflammable solvent that emits powerful toxic fumes that can cause irritation to you eyes and lungs.

Discover A Much Safer Way To Clean And Seal Your Pavers, Liquid Limestone Or Exposed Aggregate…

Stone Crete’s Paving Restoration System is a safer organic cleaning and sealing system completely free of nasty solvents and chemicals.

If you would like to know about Stone Crete’s Organic Cleaning and sealing system please call Steve Rowan on 0401 133 420 or email to